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  • Home
  • Payment for Press Card

Thank you for sending your details for the Alliance press card.

The details you provided will be printed on your press card, which will be processed and sent to you when we receive the fee.

 Paying the press card fee

  By credit card

We will now email you an invoice via the PayPal system to enable you to pay the fee by credit card.

You do not need to have a PayPal account to pay by credit card.

If you would like more information please contact Ann Mealor at and she will send you our bank account details to enable you to do this.

  By bank transfer from the UK only

If you have a UK bank account can pay for the card via bank transfer.

You can then ignore the invoice we are sending you.

If you would like to pay via bank transfer please email Ann Mealor at and she will send you our bank account details to enable you to do this.

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